Estimated order arrival times are based on the various shipping methods and the location they are being shipped to. Most locations in the United States are less than 4 days ground shipping.
Shipping will be calculated based on the item, ship method, and the ship to location. You will see the shipping amount in your cart before checking out.
As soon as the order is shipped out, you will receive an email with the tracking information. You can also follow the status in the My Account section.
Backorders will be shipped as soon as we receive replenishment stock. You will be notified and allowed to change or cancel your order if your item is on backorder.
Once you have logged in, the top right side of the page will show a My Account section. Clicking on this, you can view your activity by selecting the Order History option. There are additional links that may help in the My Account section.
As long as the order has not shipped, contact our customer service number (800-421-2034), and we will do everything we can to update your ship to location.
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